Business Cases
Fine metal companies
Tools (thread pin, smooth gauges, drills, wrenches).
Case: Search 1600 tools, 1.5 hours a day.
Cranes & equipment cannot be used due to maintenance & certification.
A supplier of semi-finished products to the optical industry
Part at €6000 will be produced, packaged and shipped with the correct documents. Bill of lading is signed upon receipt. Then the part is placed somewhere, something is placed on top of this, this is not communicated.
Result: The part must be recreated.
Result: failure costs and a disrupted customer-supplier relationship.
A supplier of semi-finished products for the turbine industry
Part at €25,000 is produced and is part of a set of three. These are packaged separately and shipped with the correct documents. The consignment note is signed upon receipt. Then the part is placed somewhere, something is placed on top of this, this is not communicated.
Result: The part must be recreated.
Result: failure costs and a disrupted customer-supplier relationship.
Platform trailers
Waybills/product stickers on apparently identical workpieces are not attached properly and are blown away in a draft.
Result: parts have to be measured again
Result: disruption of the production process. Failure costs and a disrupted customer-supplier relationship.
Aerospace, turbine construction
Not cleaning up tools. These sometimes remain behind in a component, aircraft fuselage, turbine.
Result: product part is rejected.
Result: costs for, among other things, opening and repairing the component parts must be measured again